Business Challenge
In today’s scenario achieving 100% uptime to application servers is very much feasible provided weare with safe and secure solutions. Tacitine solutions are deployed in more than 190 different banksincluding nationalized banks, district co-operative banks, various co-operative banks and co-operative society’s.
Issues with current setup
- Secondary connectivity (MPLS / CDMA) feasibility is an major issue in rural areas
- VSAT has its own issue during monsoon times
- Feasibility for the secondary connectivity is either ADSL Broadband or 3G/4G data cards which need to be secured while connecting with Core banking servers
- Even with locations having two connectivity it is a disjoint network and manual intervention required to make the secondary link up.
- An IT personnel per branch level is not a feasible option and hence making employees understand to switch over the links on failure is a major support issue
- Even if the primary MPLS connectivity is slow due to lack of auto balance solution available the customers are not able to use the high speed internet based secondary connectivity.
- Business loss to banks due to connectivity failure
Reduce Downtime
- Failover between MPLS links or MPLS / VSAT / LL over ADSL Broadband
- On-demand VPN to support Multicast over TCP
- Link quality based failover (Failover based on Packet Loss / RTA)
- Application failover (Multicast to Unicast servers preferable)
Centralized management
- Secure remote access and central management of Branch Locations from HO via VNC viewer
- Interconnecting all branches securely via ADSL BB based VPN to HO.
- back office server access / application server access using MPLS / VSAT/LL / ADSL Broadband connectivity / 3G
Threat detection
- Dynamic IP support, 3G Data Card support, Browsing Restrictions (web proxy), VPN to HO and hacker free environment for the branch locations
- Secure Surveillance (Camera access) without static IP from branches
- Stateful firewall with usage limits
- DoS, DDoS, SYN, Smurf protection
- Multi-zone and Proxy ARP
It Efficiency
- Secure Remote Desktop
- Digest Report of network ( Daily/Weekly/Monthly)
- Stop unwanted site access
- Network Live metering
- Web configuration UI
Key Benefits
- 100% uptime to trading network from branch locations to HO
- 100% remotely managed appliances in branch locations
- Auto Failover & Load Balancing
- Self Monitoring,
- Bandwidth Metering,
- Network Live metering
- Web configuration UI
- On-appliance reporting